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International Women’s Day: celebrate and promote

Why International Women's Day is important

Whether it’s on the streets of major cities, in the little village down the road, or across all media – on 8 March the women and girls of this world will be taking the opportunity to celebrate the progress that has been made, but also to raise awareness of what still needs to be done. Find out here how International Women’s Day came into being, and what you can do today to make a personal contribution.

History of International Women’s Day
There are lots of stories about the start of the women’s movement. The best-known of them dates back to 1908 when women working at New York’s textile factories went on strike for better working conditions and higher pay. Even though there were already several movements underway at this time aimed at achieving gender equality, the textile strike is seen as the symbol for the beginning of the women’s movement, as well as for the courage and determination of women in fighting injustice and standing up for their rights.


International Women’s Day today
More and more people and organisations now celebrate International Women’s Day, championing the rights and equality of women. The UN has been officially celebrating this event since 1977, focusing on different themes every year, while many businesses also create their own campaigns to show their support.

Although much progress has been made with regard to the rights and equality of women, there are still structural obstacles to overcome. International Women’s Day reminds us that these hurdles still exist. So it’s not just a day for celebrating women, but also a day for raising awareness, and an appeal to continue striving for equality

What you can do
What’s great is that each of us can make a contribution to promote gender equality. It can be as simple as raising our awareness of our own prejudices and stereotypes, and advocating inclusive communication and behaviour. Beyond ourselves, it can mean supporting women in fulfilling their dreams, and achieving their career and education aspirations.

Other possibilities include donations, voluntary work with initiatives and organisations that advocate gender equality, or taking direct action such as discussing the subject on social media or when talking to others. It doesn’t matter what you do because ultimately we all want to create a culture in which men and women are appreciated and promoted equally.

You can find some useful tips, and details of where you can research for your own contribution on numerous NGO websites such as:

• UN Women: an international organisation that is specifically dedicated to the rights and empowerment of women and girls, and which supports the goals of the United Nations.
• WAVE: a network organisation of 160 European women’s NGOs which works to protect women and children, and prevent violence against them.
• Network Frauenberatung: this is an alliance for the promotion of gender equality goals.

RINGANA: our obligation and mission
As a company we are proud to be actively shaping and driving the mission to achieve gender equality. With around 50 % of leadership positions filled by women, and with women accounting for 71 % of the workforce (as at: 12.2022) we are demonstrating, that we are actively working towards equal representation in everyday working life. This diversity in our workforce invigorates our corporate culture and helps us to devise and manufacture innovative products. We are and remain committed to creating a working environment in which all employees have equal opportunities and are offered the scope to develop and grow with us.


We say thank you!

To celebrate International Women’s Day we’ll be offering 20 % off* our CAPS fem. Thanks to the innovative formulation, CAPS fem support women’s diverse needs, and help women to tackle the big and small challenges they face throughout their lives.CAPS fem
Women’s Essentials
90 capsules

*Only while stocks last
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